and planning

The Examination of our application has now closed.
All documents are still available on
the PINS website here.

consultation and planning


This document download area enables you to stay abreast of the project development.
We will be adding more documents here as the project progresses.
Permit: Medworth CHP Limited

29th May 2024

View the permit issued for Medworth EfW CHP Facility, Wisbech under the Industrial Emissions Directive.

PINS notification of SoS Decision

22nd February 2024

Notice of the decision by the Secretary of State

Reg 31 Notice

21st February 2024

Notice of a decision on an application for an order granting development consent for EIA development

ExA Inspectors Report

21st February 2024

Examining Authority’s / Inspector’s Report of Findings / Conclusions and Recommendation to the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero

Decision letter

21st February 2024

Application for development consent for the Medworth energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

DCO Validated for Signature signed

21st February 2024

Medworth energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility - Order 2024

Statement of Purposes

27th June 2023

MVV Medworth Non-Statutory Consultation proposed changes - Statement of purposes

Traffic Appendix - Change Application

27th June 2023

MVV Medworth Environmental statement

Public Notice 28th June 2023

27th June 2023

MVV Medworth public notice 28th June 2023.

Medworth Statutory Consultation Booklet

29th June 2021

Find out more about the project and details on how to provide your feedback.

If printing this document at home, please set to print in landscape orientation.

Statutory Consultation Events Poster

28th June 2021

We would like to invite you to attend our public consultation events on the Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power facility project.

Invitation to Statutory Consultation Flyer

28th June 2021

We would like to invite you to attend our public consultation events on the Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power facility project.

Statutory Consultation Feedback Form

28th June 2021

Feedback can be provided by completing this form and sent to us using the freepost address, “Freepost MVV”.

PEIR Chapter 1 Introduction

28th June 2021

Introduction, overview of the proposed development, applicant and project team, competence, purpose of the PEIR, Environmental Impact Assessment, structure and content of the PEIR.

PEIR Chapter 2 Alternatives

28th June 2021

Stakeholder engagement and public consultation, site selection process for the EfW CHP facility and consideration of alternative layouts and design, construction, CHP connection and grid connection.

PEIR Chapter 3 Description of the Proposed Development

28th June 2021

An overview of the Proposed Development, the main components of the EfW CHP Facility, CHP Connection, Access Improvements and Grid Connection infrastructure.

PEIR Chapter 3 Description of the Proposed Development Appendices

28th June 2021

PEIR Chapter 3 Description of the Proposed Development Figures

28th June 2021

PEIR Chapter 3 Description of the Proposed Development Addendum

28th June 2021

PEIR Chapter 4 Approach to the EIA

28th June 2021

This represents the approach upon which the environmental topic chapters are based to support consultation being undertaken under Sections 42 and 47 of the Planning Act 2008.

PEIR Chapter 5 Legislation and Policy

28th June 2021

This chapter of the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR) presents a summary of the legislative and policy context relevant to the Proposed Development. 

PEIR Chapter 6 Traffic and Transport

28th June 2021

This chapter presents the preliminary assessment of the likely significant effects of the Proposed Development with respect to Traffic and Transport. 

PEIR Chapter 6 Traffic and Transport Appendices

28th June 2021

PEIR Chapter 6 Traffic and Transport Figures

28th June 2021

PEIR Chapter 7 Noise and Vibration

28th June 2021

This chapter presents the preliminary environmental information relevant to the assessment of the likely significant effects of the Proposed Development with respect to noise and vibration. 

PEIR Chapter 8 Air Quality

28th June 2021

This chapter presents the preliminary assessment of the likely significant effects of the Proposed Development with respect to Air Quality. 

PEIR Chapter 9 Landscape and Visual

28th June 2021

This chapter presents the preliminary assessment of the likely significant effects of the Proposed Development with respect to landscape and visual impacts, including impacts upon townscape character. 

PEIR Chapter 9 Landscape and Visual Appendices

28th June 2021

PEIR Chapter 9 Landscape and Visual Figures

28th June 2021

PEIR Chapter 10 Historic Environment

28th June 2021

This chapter presents the preliminary assessment of the likely significant effects of the Proposed Development with respect to the historic environment. 

PEIR Chapter 11 Biodiversity

25th June 2021

This chapter presents the preliminary assessment of the likely significant effects of the Proposed Development with respect to biodiversity. 

PEIR Chapter 12 Hydrology

28th June 2021

This chapter assesses the likely significant effects of the Proposed Development with respect to surface water and flood risk receptors. 

PEIR Chapter 12 Hydrology Appendices

28th June 2021

PEIR Chapter 12 Hydrology Figures

28th June 2021

PEIR Chapter 13 Geology

28th June 2021

This chapter presents the preliminary assessment of the likely significant effects of the Proposed Development with respect to soils, geology, hydrogeology, and ground conditions.

PEIR Chapter 13 Geology Appendix A

28th June 2021

PEIR Chapter 13 Geology Appendix B

28th June 2021

PEIR Chapter 14 Climate Change

28th June 2021

This chapter presents the preliminary assessment of the likely significant effects of the Proposed Development with respect to climate during the construction, operation and decommissioning phases. 

PEIR Chapter 15 Socio-Economics

28th June 2021

This chapter presents the preliminary assessment of the likely significant effects of the Proposed Development with respect to socio-economics including tourism, recreation and land use. 

PEIR Chapter 16 Health

28th June 2021

This chapter presents the preliminary assessment of the likely significant effects of the Proposed Development with respect to health. 

PEIR Chapter 17 Major Accidents and Disasters

28th June 2021

A description of the major accidents and disasters that have the potential to arise during the construction, operation and decommissioning of the Proposed Development, and the embedded measures which ensure they would not be significant. 

PEIR Chapter 18 Cumulative Effects Assessment

28th June 2021

This chapter presents the preliminary cumulative effects assessment (CEA) for the Proposed Development.

PEIR Chapter 19 Summary and Next Steps

28th June 2021

The Preliminary Environmental Information, Environmental Impact Assessment and Next Steps.

PEIR Non-Technical Summary

28th June 2021

This document provides a non-technical summary of the preliminary environmental impact assessment and its associated infrastructure, collectively referred to as the ‘Proposed Development’. 

Draft Outline CEMP

28th June 2021

This is a draft, Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan which establishes the responsibilities and environmental standards that the Applicant would contractually require the Principal Contractor(s) (and any sub-contractors) to adopt for the construction of the Proposed Development.


Draft Waste Fuel Availability Assessment

28th June 2021

This preliminary Waste Fuel Availability Report is that ‘separate document’, prepared to demonstrate how the Proposed Development conforms both to the waste hierarchy and relevant waste plans and strategies as at the date of statutory consultation. 

Habitats Regulation Assessment - Draft Screening Report

28th June 2021

Habitats Regulation Assessment - Draft Screening Report - Clarification Note

28th June 2021

Non-Statutory Stage 1b Consultation Feedback Report

28th June 2021

This report presents the results of the non-statutory Stage 1b consultation that took place between
18th September and 29th October 2020.

Statement of Community Consultation

24th June 2021

This Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC) sets out how we intend to consult the public and local communities in the vicinity of the Project on our proposed DCO application pursuant to Section 47 of the PA 2008. 

Legal Opinion for Consultation Events and Covid Regulations

29th September 2020

MVV Consultation Events and Covid Regulations - Pinsent Masons LLP Opinion 280920

Consultation Public Meetings Risk Assessment

29th September 2020

Risk assessment and COVID-19 transmission control for public meetings.

Non-Statutory Consultation Booklet - Edition 3

18th September 2020

Find out more about the project and details on how to provide your feedback.

If printing this document at home, please set to print in landscape orientation.

Grid Connection Corridor Options Report

18th September 2020

This report has been produced to explain how the grid connection corridor has been selected. It explains the planning, environmental, technical and cost factors taken into account when selecting the grid connection corridor.

Consultation Strategy Update

18th September 2020

The purpose of this Consultation Strategy Update is to inform the approach to the additional non-statutory consultation, as a result of the postponement due to the Covid-19 pandemic and associated social restrictions.

Non-Statutory Stage 1 Consultation Feedback Report

18th September 2020

This presents the results of the non-statutory stage 1 consultation that took place between 16th March and 4th May 2020.

Invitation to Non-Statutory Consultation Poster Sep 2020

14th September 2020

We would like to invite you to attend our public consultation events on the Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power facility project.

Invitation to Non-Statutory Consultation Flyer Sep 2020

14th September 2020

We would like to invite you to attend our public consultation events on the Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power facility project.

Summer Newsletter June 2020

6th July 2020

The first edition of the MVV Medworth newsletter, designed to keep you up to date on news about our proposal to develop an Energy from Waste (EfW) Combined Heat and Power (CHP) facility.

Non-Statutory Consultation Booklet - Edition 2

2nd April 2020

Find out more about the project and details on how to provide your feedback.

If printing this document at home, please set to print in landscape orientation.

Postponed Consultation Events Poster

19th March 2020

Having monitored the Coronavirus situation in the UK closely over the past few days, and based on the most recently updated Government guidance, MVV has postponed the planned public events until further notice.

Non-Statutory Consultation Booklet - Edition 1

18th March 2020

Find out more about the project and details on how to provide your feedback.

Non-Statutory Consultation Feedback Form

18th March 2020

Feedback can be provided by completing this form and sent to us using the freepost address, “Freepost MVV”.

Invitation to Non-Statutory Consultation Poster

18th March 2020

We would like to invite you to attend our public consultation events on the Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power facility project.

Invitation to Non-Statutory Consultation Flyer

18th March 2020

We would like to invite you to attend our public consultation events on the Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power facility project.

Presentation to Cambridgeshire and Norfolk County Councils and Fenland District Council

31st January 2020

Planning Inspectorate: Scoping Opinion

13th January 2020

This document is the Scoping Opinion provided by the Inspectorate on behalf of the SoS in respect of the Proposed Development.

EIA Scoping Report

5th December 2019

Scoping Report submitted to the Secretary of State on 3 December 2019.

a selection of frequently asked questions

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